LLC “AIC Astrakhansky” possesses a greenhouse complex with a total area of 97,000 m2. The complex is divided into 74 independent greenhouses, each of them having an individual climate control system, where the best conditions for growing seedlings are created. To create the most favorable conditions for future tomatoes, modules with sown seeds are transferred to the germination room, and only then they are moved to greenhouse shelves.

Seed sowing is carried out with the help of a modern seeding line produced by the Italian company IDROMECCANICA LUCCHINI S.p.A. In LLC “AIC Astrakhansky” we use only the best varieties of tomatoes. Seeds grown in greenhouses are provided by the world’s leading manufacturers, such as Heinz and Bayer. The grown seedlings are then loaded into metal shelves, which are subsequently transported in refrigerator vans to the company’s fields for transplanting.