At the end of the lab control, a truck moves tomatoes to the unloading. At this stage, with the help of hydro-monitors, tomatoes are washed out of the vechicle to the "bath" and are rinsed to separate heavy particles.

The fruits are sent to the juice production section via special gutters. Tomatoes pass through the inspection table and fall into the crushers where they are turned into tomato pulp. Then the product is sent to the Hot Break or Cold Break (depending on the technology) equipment and heats up to a certain temperature. This improves the separation of the peel and seeds.
After heating, the tomato pulp gets into the wipes, where it passes through the sieves to separates the husks and seeds. At the end of the section juice is obtained.

To obtain a tomato concentrate, it is necessary to remove some of the liquid from the resulting juice. This produces in vacuum evaporating plants (VVU). Under the influence of a vacuum and temperature.
The rate of water evaporation in one installation is 60 t/h.

At the end of digestion and reaching Brix 28-30 / 36-38 (depends on the technology), the paste is automatically shipped to the sterilization section. At this stage, the paste is heated to a temperature of more than 100 ℃, held for a while and cooled.
The paste is constantly in motion to avoid burning. After it's completed the ready-made paste is sent to the filler, it fills the aseptic bag immersed in an industrial container of 230 liters in advance.